The Conversations

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Featured Watchdogs
  • ProPublica

    ProPublica is an independent, non-profit newsroom that produces investigative journalism in the public interest. We dig deep into important issues, shining a light on abuses of power and betrayals of public trust — and we stick with those issues as long as it takes to hold power to account.

  • Fact Checker (Washington Post)

    From columnist Glenn Kessler, focusing on accuracy of statements of political figures "regarding issues of great importance, be they national, international or local" is of utmost importance. In a busy, 24-hour news cycle, it's hard to spot the truth behind the rhetoric. We're doing it for you.

  • Craig Silverman's Buzzfeed blog

    Craig Silverman is a Canadian journalist and the media editor of BuzzFeed, and the former head of BuzzFeed's Canadian division. He has been writing for many years for a variety of publications on media accuracy and verification issues. He is known as an expert on 'fake news’.

Featured Tools
  • Google Reverse Image Search

    This Google search function allows a quick check to see if images in an article have been used previously. Often, fake news articles borrow images from legitimate sources. This function allows you to find similar images, the websites that contain these images and, other sizes of the picture you searched with.

  • EduCheck map

    EduCheck has 200 resources available in 15 languages from 57 fact-checking platforms, related to media literacy and fact-checking.It includes a lesson plan on how fake news spreads, video on fact-checking, interactive quiz to distinguish fake from real news and connects users with fact-checkers around the world.

  • Twitter Trails

    TwitterTrails is a tool that allows media members to track the trustworthiness of Twitter stories. Their algorithm measures how widely the story spread and how sceptical users are about its validity. By measuring crowd behaviour, the algorithm allows journalists to investigate claims and determine whether they are true or false.

Articles, Guides, Books