Fake news has received considerable attention in the recent past although it is not a new phenomena at all. The spread of fake news is attributed to the advent of the social media age making it seem like a modern issue. While fake news has been perceived and defined differently over time, it is linked to the role of the news as acting as the fourth estate which is an instrument of influence and persuasion. This articles attempts to show that fake news is not the root of the problem but rather a symptom of a deeper problem which affects the political and information ecosystem.
- The understanding and definition of fake news has evolved over time, moving away from merely being something that is contrived or deceptive in nature to the current climate where it is used to dismiss the other's perspective as illegitimate because it does not concur with the accuser's world view.
- Fake news needs to be understood in the context of being used a s tool for shaping audience opinion and perception using emotional persuasion through these articles.
- The findings of the paper reveal that fake news is not the root of the problem but a symptom of a larger problem which affects our political system and the media. The current negative news cycle is because of a challenge to the hegemony of liberal politics by culturally conservative forces.